Saturday, August 31, 2019

Analysing the Black Cat Using Labov’s Narrative Structure

OBJECTIVES For this assignment, the study aims to: 1. produce a frequency chart according to the elements of Labov’s Narrative Structure 2. discuss the way Edgar Allen Poe structured his short story to form the elements of tragedy, mystery and terror as presented in the short story In completing the task, I will use Labov’s Narrative Theory to conduct narrative analysis of the short story, The Black Cat written by Edgar Allan Poe. The structure of this essay begins with the introduction to narrative and narrative analysis. The second part develops in the literature review where I will explain Labov’s Narrative Structure and introducing the author of the story, Edgar Allan Poe. The section ends with the discussion of The Black Cat from non-linguistic perspectives proposed by different scholars. The peak of the task is in the third part which is the analysis of the story where the discussion mainly covers the most appealing element from Labov’s Theory used by Allan Poe to structure his story to create terror and horror sentiments. The analysis will be seen from linguistic point of view on how linguistic features or forms are associated with certain functions. INTRODUCTION Defining Narrative The word ‘Narrative’ derives from the Latin narre which means ‘to make known’, so narratives frequently convey information. (Lacey,N. ,2000). If we are using this definition, perhaps it may cover a wide range of format or genre in which may not be considered narrative as in timetable or lab report. Lacey,N (2000) points out that what distinguishes narrative from other forms is that it presents information as a connected sequence of events and these events are structured logically and causally; each event is derived from the previous event. Wikipedia, (2010) explains in a broader context that narrative is a story that is created in a constructive format in a form of writing, speech, poetry, prose, pictures, song, motion pictures, video games, theatre or dance in which describe a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events. The simplest way of describing the term narrative is someone telling someone else that something happened (Barbara Herrnstein Smith, 1981). Barbara’s definition of narrative reflects the idea that narrative occurs in most of daily conversations and involves personal experience and interest. In All American: Glossary of Literary Terms, narrative is seen as a collection of events that tells a story, which may be true or not, placed in a particular order and recounted through either telling or writing. It is a recapitulating event that is told by someone and it is naturally and purposely arranged in an acceptable way. Literary Terms and Definition proposes narrative as a story or an account in which it is usually creative and imaginative rather than strictly factual, as evidenced in fairy tales, legends, novels, novelettes, short stories, etceteras. The involvement of personal touch in many of narrative work allows readers to create an imaginative atmosphere that brings the readers into the authors’ world and even in some narratives, they persuade the readers to view the world through their eyes. The motives behind literary work are perhaps hidden behind the characters’ disposition and also the description of scenes and situations. Other scholars like Seymour Chatman and Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, point out that narrative is a structure which is made up of narrative statements (Chatman,S. , 1990) and narrative consists of characteristics as follows; 1) events, governed by temporality, or – more precisely – a double temporality (the chronology of the events and their presentation in the text); 2)telling or narration, as an act of mediation or transmission which, in literature, is verbal. Labov (1972) defines narrative as consisting minimally of two temporally ordered clauses, and reversing the order of the clauses would change the story. In his hypothesis with his friend, Waletzky, fundamental narrative structures are to be found in oral versions of personal experience which is the ordinary narratives of ordinary speakers. By looking at many narratives, they wish to identify and relate formal linguistic properties of narratives to their functions. Labov and Waletzky have come out with a framework functions as a tool in analyzing narrative literary text linguistically. The understanding behind this framework is narrative can be seen as socially situated through sociolinguistic approach. Cortazzi (1993) stresses that narrative is more than a linear order of narrative structure. In fact, if a narrative plainly follows the order or sequence of this circular structure, perhaps it may be abnormal. Narrative is an author’s personal touch and it serves as an additional function of personal interest, determined by a stimulus in the social context in which the narrative occurs. Definition given by Toolan (2001), is comprehensively acceptable that narrative is defined as a perceived sequence of non-randomly events, typically involving, as the experiencing agonist, humans or quasi-humans, or other sentient beings, from whose experience we human can ‘learn’. He also extends the definition by stating that our preference is often for the sequence of connected events to take shape around a state or period of turbulence or crisis, subsequently resolved that is while a sequence of events entails some sort of change of state, a sequence containing a resolved crisis or problems entails a pronounce change of state. The Importance of Narrative Analysis (NA) of Literary Text Stories are in important aspect of culture and many literary work convey stories and motives (Wikipedia, 2010). Narrative analysis has contributed for development in many disciplines and has been a tool for better understanding of the literary text and anything underlies behind it. The importance of NA is that, it allows analyst to draw connections between linguistic form and the function (Labov and Waletzky,1972). The clauses as functional linguistic units appeared in narratives are structured and formed to meet the need of the author to logically create narrative sequence. The linguistic features exist in narrative text, have somehow portrayed certain patterns of structures in which help to develop particular genres and this pattern too has helped readers to create better imagination in mind. In other words, through such analysis, we can relate the formal properties of narratives to their functions. The analysis is formal where it is conducted based upon recurrent patterns characteristics of narrative from the clause level to the complete simple narrative and the analysis is functional and will be considered as one verbal technique for recapitulating experience- in particular a technique of constructing narrative units that match the temporal sequence of that experience. . (Labov & Waletzky, 1972). The idea behind Labov and Waletzky’s notion is to isolate the elements of narratives that serve certain linguistic functions where fundamental structures which are to be found in oral versions of personal experiences usually interconnected with the functions they serve. NA is also engaged in other educational disciplines. Narrative has been the subject of intensive research in a variety of disciplines, with work in contemporary literary theory leading the way (as represented in such â€Å"movements† as post-structuralism, reader-response criticism, deconstructionism, feminist theory, and neo-Marxist approaches to texts and society) (Paul. G. J. , 1991). Researchers use narrative analysis to deal with the problems of effective communications and class and ethnic differences (Cortazzi,M. ,1993). Researchers in education find NA allows access to study teachers’ culture and thinking, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Cortazzi (1993) stresses that the use of NA encourages us to develop descriptions of teacher’s culture which preserve their voices. NA is best use for exploratory purpose, sensitizing the researcher, illustrating but not by itself validating theory and a common focus is the exploration of ethical, moral and cultural ambiguous. Garson,G. D. ,2000). Alvarez and Urla (2002) have pointed out that in the field of information system implementation; NA provides richer data than is obtained by conventional system requirements analysis. Discovering narrative is a point of departure to discovering culture and its society. In the early periods of literature, writers share intellectuals, linguistics, r eligious and artistic influences (http://web. cn. edu/kwheeler/documents/Periods_Lit_History. pdf). These thoughts are put into writings and each period (such as Classical period, Medieval period, Renaissance and Reformation period, Neoclassical period, Romantic period, Victorian period and Modern period and Postmodern period) represents the background of its society and even political changes. Chafe (1990) sees narratives as ‘overt manifestations of the mind in action: as windows to both the content of the mind and its going operations. Narratives can therefore be seen as opening a window on the mind, or, if we are analysing narratives of a specific group of tellers, as opening a window on their culture. Cortazzi,M. , 1993). In Malaysian context, the knowledge of analysing narratives would encourage better participation and engagement from both teachers and students. The ability to isolate the elements of narratives and to identify the functions of the forms, motivate the learning for better understanding of the literary work. However, it depends how creative the teachers ar e to implement and make use this tool (NA) to incorporate literature in language classroom. Besides that, by studying oral or written accounts of personal experience, the students would be able to see the author’s representations and explanations of experience. (Cortazzi,M. ,1993). Primary and secondary schools students should be taught and exposed with technical terms and structure of literature to promote interest and attitude towards literature. Besides that, attitude towards literature should be inculcated since their early in order to promote appreciation towards the work of literature. Since the late 90s, many Malaysian writers have been into the trend of producing romantic novels (in Malay, such genre is called novel picisan). Compared to other genres, producing novel picisan has been the side income for many of Malaysian writers. Malaysian should be encouraged to produce diverse genres and government plays vital roles in promoting reading culture among Malaysians. The idea behind this is to increase the development of Malaysian publishing industry. But it is undeniably that this industry faces obstacle and challenges in which it may require major revamp of the present National Book Council to give it more strength in overseeing the implementation of the policy and the existing book related laws (Dato’ Ng Tieh Chuan, 2005). Malaysia has some of the important ingredients of a successful publishing industry: considerably high level of literacy, strong government support for education, relatively modest technical resources that are required, commitment towards the development of information technology, and dedicated entrepreneurs willing to take risks in a difficult economic climate. However, our book publishing sector is far from successful and there are several obstacles hampering the development of books in terms of their availability, accessibility and affordability. (Dato’ Ng Tieh Chuan, 2005) Analysing Narratives Linguistically Since narratives demand at least two connected events, then, using linguistics, we could say that ‘gramatically†¦ the minimum requirements for a story are two clauses, whether these occur in a single complex sentence or two simple sentences’ (Pope, 1995). Lacey (2000) illustrates that the statement â€Å"The King is dead† is not sufficient enough to be considered as narrative but by adding another clause, â€Å"and the queen has died of grief†, then narrative exists. When the clauses are connected with certain linguistic functions, a series of events occur. Although narrative can exist without any words at all, the fact that its structure is comparable to the structure of sentence is evidence of its universality. (Lacey,N. ,2000). He also emphasizes that the concept of sequence is crucial and without the development of sequence there is no narrative. Narrative analysis is an analysis of chronologically told story, in which concerned with how narrative elements are sequenced and why certain elements are evaluated differently from others and how past experience shapes perceptions of the present and how present experience shapes perceptions of the past and how both shape perceptions of the future (Garson,G. D. ,2000). LITERATURE REVIEW Labov’s Narrative Structure Sociological and sociolinguistics views of narrative have been developing since the 1960s (Cortazzi,M. 1993) and have influenced many scholars to challenge traditional narrative models to come out with better framework to narrative text analysis. Labov’s Narrative Structure is a sociolinguistic approach which examines formal structural properties of narratives in relation to their social functions. (Labov and Waletzky, 1972). The objective behind this theory is to show that there is correlation between form and its function. Labov’s model of narrative a nalysis comprises of six element (certain elements are optional); Abstract, Orientation, Complicating Action, Evaluation, Result or Resolution and Coda. STRUCTURE |EXPLANATION | |ABSTRACT |one or two clauses summarizing the whole story | |ORIENTATION |the time, place, persons and their activity or the situation | |COMPLICATING ACTION |tells us ‘what happens next’ | |EVALUATION |Establish and sustain the point, the contextual significance and tellability, , or | | |reportability, of story. Narrator’s personal involvement in the story | |RESULT OR RESOLUTION |Explains what finally happened. | |CODA |Signals the ‘sealing off’ of a narrative. | | |Return to the conversational mode, in ‘real’ present time. | TABLE 1: Labov’s Narrative Structure Abstract This category represents the summary of the story. In certain narratives, Abstract is optional (Cortazzi,M. ,1993) and there are some which do not have any because the title of the narratives often serves as the abstract as in ‘The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber’ for instance (Black,E. ,2006). Abstract usually initiates the narrative. It is important for certain narratives to insert this element since it conveys general propositions which often go beyond the immediate events in narratives (Cortazzi,M. ,1993). Orientation The Orientation specifies the participants and circumstances, place and time of the narratives and it is equivalent to setting (Toolan, M. J. ,1992). This element is often embedded within sentences as in Abstract and Complicating Action. Orientation sometimes initiates the narratives and this structure play major roles in creating the narrative atmosphere desired by the author. It sets the scene psychologically as well as literally (Black, E. , 2006) to serve the function of being descriptive. Toolan (1992) states that in Orientation, we can expect verb forms other than extensive verbs (such as transitive or intransitive verbs involving action) in the simple past tense. Besides, Orientation is indicated by past perfectives and past progressive verb phrases and intensive verbs such as be, become, seem, etc. Orientation information in most of the time is encoded in free clauses usually placed at the beginning, sometime coupled with the first event of the Complicating Action (Cortazzi, 1992). Complicating Action Complicating Actions can be referred to the core of the narratives. It consists of a series of narrative clauses in the simple past tense, or sometimes in present tenses. This part of the narrative, the bones of it, gives the event sequence which is often terminated by the Result or Resolution (Cortazzi, 1992). In addition, the verbs often indicate the complicating actions, to show what happen in the story. Evaluation Cortazzi, M. ,(1993), explains that the Evaluation commonly precedes the Resolution and it avoids the withering rejoinder from listeners of ‘so, what? ’ since every good narrator is continually warding off this question. The evaluation is realized by a number of evaluative devices listed below which can be distributed at various points throughout a narrative, although they are commonly positioned before the Resolution. Evaluation category consists of external and internal evaluative devices. In brief explanation, external evaluative device has a strong interpersonal function which applies to written texts and in literary fictions, external evaluation devices are most likely in first person narratives (Black,E, 2006). Black (2006) also mentions that internal evaluative devices are generally more subtle than external evaluation. Such self-questioning, and moving between past, present and future are all characteristics of evaluative devices. Result or Resolution and Coda The Result often signals the end of the story proper and Coda is a final rounding off, tiding up of the lives of characters. (Black, E. , 2006) [pic] Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the relation between all the elements under Labov’s model of narrative analysis. It begins with the present time, indicating the Abstract of the narrative, followed by the introduction of the participants, time, circumstances, and places that fall under the Orientation. The next sequence of a narrative is complicating action, to indicate ‘then, what happen? ’. Evaluation category is not placed in a fix position. It often appears between sequences in a story. The author draws the readers to the ending by indicating the Result or Resolution and finally the Coda. For instance, a story told by someone coming late to an appointment might look like this: I had a terrible time getting here (abstract). I started out an hour ago, and I only live a couple of miles away (orientation). I was standing at the bus stop for ages, and then when the first bus came it was full, and I had to wait another 20 minutes for the next one (complicating action). I was getting so worried; I really thought you'd be gone by the time I arrived (evaluation). Still, I got here in the end (resolution). I'll know to start earlier if we meet here again, though (coda) Discovering Edgar Allan Poe This section mainly discusses on the American writer, Edgar Allan Poe (January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) who was also known for his genres; horror fiction, gothic romance, crime fiction and detective fiction. He is one the greatest and unhappiest of American poets, a master of the horror tale, and the patron saint of the detective story (Petri Liukkonen, 2008). The information presented below is cited from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopaedia, The Poe Studies Association (PSA) and PoeStories. com: An exploration of short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. [pic] Figure 2: Family Tree of Edgar Allen Poe. (Wikipedia, 2010) Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusette on Jan 19, 1809. He was the second child of actor and actress, David Poe, Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe. His elder brother, William Henry Leonard Poe (January 30, 1807 – August 1, 1831) was a sailor, clerk and also an amateur poet. David and Elizabeth’s daughter Rosalie was born in December 1810. Edgar may have been named after a character in William Shakespeare’s King Lear, a play that the couple was performing in 1809(Nelson, Randy F, 1981). When he was three years old, David Poe left the family and left his wife and his children in 1810. A year later, his wife died from consumption. Edgar was taken care of by John Allan, successful Scottish merchant in Richmond, Virgnia who involve in variety of goods including tobacco, cloth, wheat, tombstone and slaves. The Allans serve as a foster family gave him the name Edgar Allan Poe and baptized him in 1812. John Allan alternately spoiled and aggressively disciplined his foster son. In 1815, the Allans sailed to England and while they lived in England, Poe and his stepfather began to argue fiercely and frequently. Poe was sent to grammar school in Irvine, Scotland, where John Allan was born. He attended the school just for a short period of time and in 1816, he returned and joined the family in London. Mrs. Allan died, John remarried, and he and Poe became even further estranged. In 1826, Poe attended University of Virginia, but he was expelled later that year. He attended West Point for a short time; while there, he accumulated some gambling debts. John Allan, who was frustrated with Poe’s behaviour and attitude, would not help him to pay his debts and Poe had to leave the Academy. He went to Boston in 1827 and, finding that he could not support himself, he enlisted in the United States Army under the name Edgar A. Perry. After two years, he was released and moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where his maternal relatives lived. During this period, newspapers and literary magazines began to be published Poe's work. Tamerlaine and Other Poems appeared in 1827 and Al Aaraaf in 1829. His Manuscript Found in a Bottle won a literary contest in 1833. Three years later, however, his life would change drastically. In May of 1836, he married his 14-year-old cousin, Virginia Clemm, who convinced Poe to settle in Philadelphia, where he obtained regular employment as an editor. In 1844, Poe moved to New York City, taking a job as editor for another literary magazine, The Evening Mirror. His most famous and popular poem, The Raven, was published in this magazine; through this one poem, Poe finally achieved his well-deserved reputation as a great writer. In January of 1847, however, after a long illness, Virginia died of tuberculosis. Poe's grief, combined with the stress caused by years of caring for his invalid wife, caused him to collapse emotionally after her death; it is believed that this loss accelerated his drinking problem. Yet two years later, in 1849, he moved back to Richmond and planned to wed Sarah Elmira Royster Shelton, a woman Poe had been engaged to marry earlier in life. (John Allan had forced Poe to abandon any thoughts of marrying her because of lack of money. ) Poe and Shelton, both now having lost a spouse, renewed their relationship. They would, however, not marry due to Poe's untimely death, the circumstances of which remain a mystery, even today. He had left Richmond for Baltimore on September 27, 1849, and was found unconscious in a gutter there on October 3rd. Poe had collected approximately $1,500 for subscriptions to his literary magazine, The Stylus, but no money was found with him, leading to the speculation that he might have been robbed. He was taken to a hospital where he regained consciousness a few times, but Poe was never coherent enough to explain what had happened to him. Edgar Allan Poe died on October 7, 1849. [pic] Figure 3: Signature of Edgar Allan Poe (Wikipedia, 2010) The Black Cat The Black Cat† is one of Edgar Allan Poe's most memorable stories. The tale centers around a black cat and the subsequent deterioration of a man (Lombardi,E. , 2010). The story is about a man, who declaring that he will die tomorrow, describes himself as a caring and loving man, who from the earliest days of his youth was mocked by others for his timidity and concern for  all living  things (http://www. bookrags. com/notes/poe/PART1. htm). Based on literary analysis conducted by Cromwell, J. , (2010), the narrator (who is also chief character and author) remains unnamed, but for a purpose. Without a name he represents every man, or rather, every man’s potential. In the opening of his story, the character describes himself as docile and tender natured with a fondness for animals, describing the affection of his pets as â€Å"unselfish and self-sacrificing love. † Cromwell states that the main character faces the relationships of humans, however, with a cynical clipped tone, â€Å"the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man. †(The Black Cat, line 12). He also stresses that the desires and feeling held in check by unwritten social law are cut loose by habitual drinking leading to verbal and physical abuse of the man’s animals and wife. The man’s desire was power: over his animals, his wife, and their affections toward him. For full text, kindly refer to Appendix A) ANALYSING THE BLACK CAT In analysing â€Å"The Black Cat†, I have used Labov’s Narrative Structure as my theoretical framework for the analysis. To be brief, for this section, I will explain on how I have analyse the short story b ased on labov’s theory of narrative and followed by the discussion on the findings of the analysis. My focus of discussion is on the elements that show highest percentage in which have constructed and contributed to the great horror effect of Edgar’s short story. As briefly discussed earlier, Labov’s Narrative Structure comprises of six categories in which they serve to structure the narratives. Each sentence in the short story was given a number to ease the process of categorising the sentences into abstract, orientation, complicating action, evaluation, resolution and coda (u may refer to Appendix A). A close reading was conducted and it took quite some time for the completion of the analysis. The finding of the analysis of The Black Cat is presented through the bar chart below. [pic] Figure 4 : The Analysis of The Black Cat based on the elements of Labov’s Narrative Structure The bar chart in figure 1 shows the representation of each element of Labov’s Narrative Structure based on the frequency count of sentences in the short story, The Black Cat. The structure of each sentence represents certain functions as highlighted in Labov’s Narrative Structure. As discussed earlier, Labov’s Narrative Structure consists of six elements which are abstract, orientation, complicating action, evaluation, resolution and coda. Throughout the analysis, the major finding is the elements of orientation and evaluation present in the short story, as indicated above, show the highest number of sentences. These two elements play major roles in constructing the horror sentiment in the short story. Edgar used these two elements comprehensively and most of the time, they were embedded together to show certain degree of emotional state of the character. Obviously, the setting, symbolism, plot, word choice, and character development contributed greatly to the effect of shocking insanity in Edgar Allan Poe’s masterpiece, â€Å"The Black Cat. † Poe’s skilful use of all of these elements, the least of these being setting and the greatest of these being character development, creates a shocking tale, which leaves the mind to ponder in all its horror (www. 123helpme. com, 2010). In the short story, ‘Orientation’ is widely used where Edgar has been descriptive concerning the emotional state and degree of value of the narrator, the situation or places that took place and also detailed elaboration on the crime scene, description on the characters’ attitude and world view. Examples of sentences that portray this element are shown below: SENTENCE NUMBER |TEXT | |[8] |From my infancy I was noted for the docility and humanity of my disposition | |[79] |Pluto had not a white hair upon any portion of his b ody; but this cat had a large, although | | |indefinite splotch of white, covering nearly the whole region of the breast. | |[109] |The cat followed me down to the steep stairs and nearly throwing me headlong, exasperated me to | | |madness. | TABLE 2: Orientation From the sentences listed above, it is obvious that Edgar pays critical attention in describing the mental and emotional state of the main character, which is the narrator. In fact, for almost every sentence in the short story consists of orientation element which functions to create the atmosphere of horror. He begins the story with a clear picture of him being tortured and this had destroyed his life. The orientation can refer to a past event with an adverb of time in which will mark off the narrative from the previous talk, as an initiating mechanism (Cortazzi,M. ,1993). He also makes an innocent confession of his crime due to his unstable mental and emotional state through abusing his wife and pets, ‘I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. ’, ‘†¦ I even offered her personal violence’ and â€Å"†¦ even Pluto began to experience the effects of my ill temper†. These sentences have given direct impacts to the reader as he has initially stated how his life has been ruined and destroyed. In elaborating the character of the black cat, in which the narrator claimed to be to be the causal to his failure in life, Edgar has selected certain adjectives and connotations that most suitable and deep impact words to retain the feeling of horror throughout the story. The words like, ‘frightful appearance’, ‘.. a brute beast’, ‘.. my hatred of the beast.. ’, ‘.. the terror and horror with which the animal has inspired me.. ’ , and in fact, the word ‘black’ associated with the cat, is sufficient enough to promote the evil spirit derived from the cat. The repetition of evil and dark connotations leaves the reader with the feeling terrified and suspend and it shows terror and horrified as the core atmosphere of the scenes. Towards the end, Edgar was being descriptive and he used orientation element majorly to describe the inhumane conduct of the narrator and provoke the readers with horror and unpredictable crime scene and each complicating action. The role of orientation is vital in this short story to design fear atmosphere and dreadfulness. | SENTENCE NUMBER |TEXT | |[98] |I am almost ashamed to own-yes, even in this felon’s cell. I am almost ashamed to own-that the | | |terror and horror with which the animal inspired me, had been heightened by one of the merest | | |chimaeras, it would be possible to conceive. | |[2] |Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. | |[12] |There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to | | |the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity| | |of mere Man. | TABLE 3: Examples of Evaluation Category Evalution is the most interesting and complex category. In the story, this element is associated with the narrator’s bias point of judgement and value. The narrator’s personal involvement is a story is conveyed where he states that; In their consequences, these events have terrified-have tortured-have destroyed me. Yet I will not attempt to expound them. To me, they have presented little but horror- to many they will seem less terrible than baroques. (The Black Cat, line 6 and 7) At one point, the narrator makes use of his personal involvement sentiment in the story as a way to gain sympathy and also as escapism of his brutal crime. According to his evaluative statement, the blame to all sins and the prime murder are the black cat and the evil spirit that had caused him to conduct such inhumane crimes. As he puts his words; I seized him; when, in his fright at my violence, he inflicted a slight wound upon my hand with his teeth. The fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame. I took from my waistcoat-pocket a pen-knife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of its eyes from the socket! I blush, I burn, I shudder, while I pen the damnable atrocity. (The Black Cat, line 31-35) And a brute beast – whose fellow I had contemptuously destroyed – a brute beast to work out for me – for me a man, fashioned in the image of the High God – so much of insufferable wo! Alas! neither by day nor by night knew I the blessing of Rest any more! (The Black Cat, line 103) Evil thoughts became my sole intimates – the darkest and most evil of thoughts. The moodiness of my usual temper increased to hatred of all things and of all mankind; while, from the sudden, frequent, and ungovernable outbursts of a fury to which I now blindly abandoned myself, my uncomplaining wife, alas! as the most usual and the most patient of sufferers. (The Black Cat, line 106 and 107) The Evaluation commonly precedes the Result. It delays the forward movement of the narrative clauses, which hold the listener suspended at that point in time (Cortazzi,M. , 1993). Other evidence such as below; It was now the representation of an object that I shudder to name – and for this, above all, I loathed, and dreaded, and would have rid myself of the monster had I dared – it was now, I say, the image of a hideous – of a ghastly thing – of the GALLOWS ! – oh, mournful and terrible engine of Horror and of Crime – of Agony and of Death ! (The Black Cat, line 101) The Black Cat is not structured in isolation according to Labov’s Narrative Structure. These categories are actually embedded within sentences in order to derive horror and existence of evil elements in the short story. Edgar was being descriptive and at the same time evaluative from sequence to anther sequence in the story in which they support the design of each complicating action. CONCLUSION Analysing The Black Cat using Labov’s Narrative Structure is my first attempt to show relations of formal narrative forms and the functions that they portray in the narrative to highlight intended criteria or to bring the certain feeling to real as the readers further reading the narratives. Poe had critically made perfect selection of adjectives, adverbials and free clauses to bring the motive of terror and horror in the narrative. Furthermore, Poe’s plot development added much of the effect of shocking insanity to â€Å"The Black Cat. † To dream up such an intricate plot of perverseness, alcoholism, murders, fire, revival, and punishment is quite amazing. (www. 123helpme. com, 2010). The use of Orientation and Evaluation elements in his gothic story, has successfully promoted the feeling of fear and terrified. Poe had been descriptive in elaborating the physical and emotional state of the characters presented especially through the bias and unreliable narrator in the narrative. The evaluation made by the narrator from the eyes of an evil spirited murderer. Labov’s model of narrative analysis seems to be very useful in my analysis to show the interconnectedness of the formal structure of the narrative and the sociological functions in the short story, The Black Cat. Through this method, I manage to point out the linguistic features exist in The Black Cat in which beneficial for building up the narrative and sustaining the interest and mood of the readers. This technique would be very useful to be implemented in language classroom to promote the attitude of appreciating literature. Besides that the learning process will be more interactive and alive when both teachers and students critically engaged. The motivation to learn and to participate in the class may be developed among students when they see the relevance of the learning material since it reflects their daily lives. ———————–

Friday, August 30, 2019

Crime and Hand Unemployment Rate Essay

Many contemporary macro-level theories of criminal behavior and empirical tudies pf crime rates address the relationship between economic factor and crime. Relationship between economic circumstances such as wage inflation and unemployment to criminal activity is the main subject matter of this study. Wage inflation and unemployment taken as predictors of crime rates. Unemployment and inflation are two intricately linked economic concept. In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time and it is also erosion in the purchasing power of money. And unemployment occurs when a person is able to and willing to work but urrently without work. Unemployment is usually measured using the unemployment rate which is defined as the percentage of those in the labor for who are unemployed. One causes of unemployment is inflation. Over the years there has been a number of economists trying to interpret the relationship between the concepts of inflation and unemployment. This relationship is also known as the Phillips curve. Phillips curve is an inverse relationship between rate of unemployment and rate of increase in money wages. The higher the rate of unemployment, the lower the rate of wage inflation. In other words, there is a radeoff between wage inflation and unemployment lead to a problem that individual do such a thing Just to endure it. It means that if you are unemployed you will do anything to earn and to survive for everyday living. For this, some people tend to commit crimes especially crime against property. It is a common observation of many countries that unemployment rates and all crime rates are positively associated but negatively in the wage inflation.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Amusement Park Place Essay Example for Free

Amusement Park Place Essay Amusement Parks are on of Americans favorite places to go. You get to ride roller-coasters, play games and just have fun. The thrill you get by getting is one of the best feelings you will ever have. When you first walk in the amusement park you feel your adrenaline rush by seeing all the people go crazy over the roller-coasters and the games. Adventure parks are an adventure that everyone needs to experience once in their life. Roller-coasters are a thrill that everyone should experience at an amusement park. Rollercoasters are what make amusement parks so fun. There are many different types of roller-coaster that has many different types of loops such as a corkscrew, the regular flip, and many more. Some of the biggest roller-coasters that I have ever been on are the ones at Six Flags. I rode the Batman, Superman, Georgia Scorcer, Deja-Vu, and all the other roller-coasters they had. My favorite was Superman; you are flying through the air just like Superman. The loops were like corkscrews and had some straight drops. Everyone needs to experience a roller-coaster ride at least once. There are many amusement parks all around the United States that you can go to and have fun. One is in Atlanta, Georgia home of Six Flags. Another one is located in Cedar Point, Ohio which is called Cedar Point and is one of the most popular visited amusement parks. Another one is Bush Gardens located in Tampa, Florida. I got to visit Bush Gardens this past Spring Break it was the best amusement park I have ever been to. There were a lot of family activities such as games, food, and roller-coasters. They didn’t have many roller-coasters, but the ones that they did have were my favorite. There are a lot of many different amusement parks around the country that you can take your family and have a great time. Games at amusement parks are also what make amusement parks so much fun. If you are scared to ride the rides just go ahead and play games. There are many games you can play like basketball shoot, racing games, shooting games and many more. If you end up doing good in the games then you will get prizes such as stuffed animals, candy and a lot more stuff. Games at amusement parks are parks are fun to play and make the amusement park experience unforgettable. Amusement Parks are fun for families and friends to go and bond for the day. Amusement Parks are enjoyed when you go and the ride the roller-coasters, play games, eat food, and go to Some of the shows that the parks have to offer. Amusement parks have been around forever and and that is why so many Americans love them so much. They allow you to have fun and relax for the day. Amusement Parks are a lot of fun and I think everyone should go to at least once to see for themselves. Amusement Park Place. (2017, Feb 03).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

JetFan technology Limited. Individual Strategic Business Planning Essay

JetFan technology Limited. Individual Strategic Business Planning portfolio - Essay Example This seems to be quite correct for the business plan as the start up costs and further expenses would be shared among the owners. Furthermore, the responsibilities and work will get further attention from other owners leading to an appropriate planning and focused implementation of the same. Adding to it, the business risks would also be shared among the partners leading to less probability of default for the organisation. JetFan is quite new to this compact electronic equipment cooling segment, which demands it to make enough alliances with the prominent fan manufacturers operating in this segment. Additional contacts and complementary skills of each partner in a work environment of motivation and mutual support can be used to successfully explore this new segment of compact electronic cooling equipments. In ‘company structure and ownership’ a good deal of information has been provided on the shareholders of this company. Overall it seems that, the business plan include s the type of business; however, it fails to identify the legal term attached with it. Product The organisation is looking forward to commercialize the impeller in the compact cooling electronics segment. The JetFan impellers would be smaller and more efficient than their conventional counterparts. The products would be offering enhanced efficiency than the existing impellers at the same cost as that of the rest. The market application of the product would be in cooling, heating, extraction/ventilation. JetFan Ltd has come up with several prototypes including hand dryers and hair dryers, ceiling fans, vacuum cleaners, fiber optical light source cooling and significant market of compact electronic equipment cooling which also includes portable computers chip set cooling instruments. In this business plan, a description of the product has been included. Although, it does not consist much of technicalities, the significant attributes for the customers and its offering in different segments have been mentioned. Type of Opportunity JetFan has been into the commercialization of its impellers to the compact electronics cooling market. The opportunity is expansion towards commercialization of the products. JetFan Ltd now wants its JetFan technology to enter into different segments of electrical and electronics equipments. The opportunity type is not clearly defined; however, a glimpse of the same has been provided throughout the plan. Promise to be Successful: The Product is Unique The promise of JetFan’s success lies behind the problems faced through the traditional fan impellers. In this specific business plan, the author has rightly identified the issues with the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How might performance-related pay (PRP) improve performance Are there Essay

How might performance-related pay (PRP) improve performance Are there other forms of financial incentive that could be better suited to the task - Essay Example Thus, need to identify measures that significantly impact the performance of the workforce has become intrinsic to the success of the firms. The paper would focus on the issues vis-Ã  -vis financial incentives that considerably impact the employees’ performance. Human resource is central to the organizational visions and goals and HR leadership initiatives become crucial factor for creating and organizing an effective workforce that is able to make valuable contribution to the increased output and improved performance outcome of the organizational. Hence, HR strategy needs to be redefined as globalization has ushered in a huge database of human capital whose potential needs to be exploited to realize one’s own vision and mission (Taylor, 2008). The challenges of multicultural fabric of society are myriad. Now, the workforce must be looked upon as resource that can be tapped to improve and improvise the performance of the organization in the fiercely competitive business setting. HR leaders need to be aware that the traditional process of labour deployment is undergoing a fast transformation, both in terms of quality and quantity. Scholars assert that information technology and new media of communication channels in the past decade and a half have ushered in radical new forms of processes (Freeman and Perez 1988, Best 1990). The rapidly changing models of work environment has made it imperative for the employees and the job aspirants alike, to keep themselves updated with the knowledge and use of all the latest gadgets and processes which are increasingly replacing the older model of office efficiencies. The innovative measures that link pay to the performance and other such incentive driven tools have increasingly being adopted by the organizational leadership. Bloisi (2007) emphasizes that performance management primarily defines the process through which the managers ensure that employees’ output is at par with that of

Monday, August 26, 2019

PAS Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

PAS - Case Study Example After 6 months, I was asked to run the whole station store and gas pumps. The gas was closed a year after it was closed due to its line expiry. It was due to this reason that Pas Automotive repair decided to acquire a building that was the year 2000, hence the business became steady from then. Pas Automotive is luckily located on one of the busiest  streets in Sydney 500 Prince Street. With a large lot of 20 plus cars and access to the roadways, situated in 3 different directions. In business, Pas automotive repair company is among the automotive repair shop that deals with all repairs on both cars trucks boats as well as lawn mowers. In addition, the company deals with rebuilding various vehicle engines as well as changing engine oil. As the business is at a tender age, the company has a total of seven employees. Our services include; service calls, self service work where customers will be picked from a prevailed position and the problem they are encountering on their vehicle asc ertained just on time and at affordable price. Our prices depend on the  labor  guide, being serviced and provided by all of our service stations. We also give a discount price to students and  seniors. More so we have affordable and special hourly rate of 60.00 dollars an hour and this makes us cheap on the market as compared from our competitors. Research on the Pas Automotive Repair as a sole  proprietor  business is very useful. Firstly, it will aid in making a forecast to affiliate the current situation, therefore supporting the potential increase in service provision. Additionally, while delivering the service, the industry looks forward in growth and developing around the globe. There are several factors that limit their use, which may be reflected later. Moreover, the statistical analysis of the pas automotive repair company and distribution channels, which is very essential in making sound decisions, will be evaluated. Secondly, the study of online and traditional agency services (in terms of understanding consumer needs) is relevant not only for the owners of Pas Automotive Repair Company, but also for the insurance companies, transportation and others. Through the data, a clear analysis of the various factors affecting the industry is evaluated. This leads to increased efficiency and consequently increased returns. Additionally, research of the subject carries a statistical and social nature, which makes it necessary to understand the consumer behavior, as well as their knowledge of the possible opportunities. Increasing Sales and Profits One of the main objectives of advertising is to augment sales and profits. Most companies nowadays employ advertising to impart people regarding their products and services. Some forms of advertising lend themselves more to producing immediate profits. This can be with adverts availed through Billboards. The company will process and markets their services under a brand name of Pas Automotive Repair Compan y. Encourage Trial and Usage Pas Automotive Repair Company will frequently use advertising to hearten trial and convention of new services they unveil to their customer. The company will lope their advertising to bring in their services to the public as well as their customers. The company will initiate public enticements to first-time service consumers and will work based on brand equity among techniques Forms of advertisement In any company as per the requirements of marketing strategies,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Legal, Saftey, and Regulatory paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Legal, Saftey, and Regulatory paper - Essay Example The institutions that the US government has created to protect the rights of both the employer and employee include the United States Department of Labor, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Department of Homeland Security, and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The legal, safety, and regulatory requirements are implemented to ensure equality and fairness in organizations. Human resource processes that comply with the legal, safety, and regulatory requirements ensure protection of rights of both parties in the employment contract. The employer and employee form a binding relationship once they sign an employment contract. Both the employer and employee are guaranteed some rights and obligations during the contract period; a contract of employment describes the terms of employment that affect both parties (Briscoe, Schuler & Claus, 2009). The necessity to protect themselves against the implications of non-adherence to contract terms requires implementation of external forms of protection. Legal, safety and regulatory frameworks prevent chances of unfair treatment by either party during the employment contract execution. Observing safety standards creates a safe workplace without threats risks of illnesses and injury of harassments. The organization, therefore, is able to protect its valuable assets, which comprise of human resources. The current workplace in the US is standardized and promoted by three critical workplace regulations: the state level compensation laws, and Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and OSHA that operate at the Federal level. The Department of Homeland Security focuses on protection of employees from both external and internal aggression. Laura (2010) argues that employee security has gained much interest in the recent past because of increased violence at workplaces. Employers are advised to comply with this Homeland

Questionnaire Survey Method for Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Questionnaire Survey Method for Research - Essay Example There are various methods of research available including statistical analysis, simulations, observations, interviews, action oriented research, case study based research etc. Depending upon the field of research, the major approaches to research methodology differs and research in social science fields rely mainly on qualitative and quantitative research. In conducting qualitative or quantitative research, various research tools are utilised and questionnaires remain a key component in survey based research activities. Motives behind initiating a qualitative research is mainly to uncover or establish a basic understanding, knowledge or a hypothesis pertaining to a certain issue. Such research often lays the foundation for further research of quantitative nature, which can establish the validity of new knowledge generated through the qualitative research. Qualitative research differs from quantitative research on grounds of what is being researched of. â€Å"Qualitative research involves the collection of data about attitudes, beliefs and intensions† (Hall et al 2004). The objective of qualitative research is to unearth in-depth knowledge of reasons, which drives the human behavior while quantitative research on the other hand is concerned of data that can be measured. While there are numerous means of conducting qualitative research, methods such as focus groups, surveys through application of unstructured or semi structured questionnaires as well as participant observations (Wolcott 1995). Surveys remain one of the major forms of research and the most widely used where quantitative research is concerned. â€Å"Survey research is the method of gathering data from respondents thought to be representative of some population, using an instrument composed of closed structure or open-ended questions† (Survey Research 2006). Nature of survey research allows effective and efficient data gathering from a large population and thus

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Presentation proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Presentation proposal - Assignment Example Palliative care is a medical care for individuals who have illnesses that are life threatening. It focuses care on providing specialized care to individuals who have serious illness. In most cases, the illnesses are progressive and they lead to death of the individuals. Palliative care provides relief to patients from the symptoms and pains of the illness. The main objective of palliative care is to maintain the life of the patients. In addition to, palliative care, maintains the life of the individuals and their family members. During this treatment, curing the patients is not the first priority of the medical staff. The medical staff manages the symptoms the patients because it is part of the health care. They are also entitled to maintaining the emotions of the patients. Taking care of patients at home is a big commitment and individuals must be ready to sacrifice. There are many factors that determine the best place to provide medical care to a patient. The condition of the patient is among the factors used to determine the best place to provide care for individuals. Doctors must choose the best advice when providing palliative care to patients (Morrissey, 2013).  ).There are advantages and limitations of both setting to the patient depending on the condition of the patient. The patient and family members decide on the home setting as the ideal place to receive treatment. Advantages of a home based setting include being closer to the patient. It is important because it saves the time spent to make frequent visits to the hospital. The feeling of being in familiar surrounding and with familiar individuals is crucial for individuals with chronic illnesses. The individual may have medical conditions that may not be acceptable at home. Presence of facilities helps to address most of the conditions of patients. The cost of providing palliative care at home is higher than providing it in the hospital (Morrissey,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Commercial Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Commercial Law - Essay Example However, AW Ltd made a claim of refund as well compensation for the damaged caused after ten days, which at the onset, releases Shah Ltd from bearing any obligation to compensate the losses incurred by AW Ltd. The case needs assessment as per the provisions of Commercial law in order to conclude whether Shah Ltd can be exempted from refunding AW Ltd and also compensating for the losses occurred and whether the case would have been treated separately if AW Ltd has bought the computer for personal use partly. Discussion In this case, to resolve the issue, the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (SOGA) can be applied. The SOGA signifies that rights, risks as well as ownership of a good purchased is passed from the seller to the buyer in consideration for a price (International Private Law, 2001). Correspondingly, there are certain factors under which the consumers are unable to have any refund, replacement as well as repair such as if goods and/or services are damaged accidentally, if misuse of prod ucts and/or services has caused a fault, if repair of products and/or services by consumers themselves or by others have caused the defect in accordance with provision mentioned in Part 5A subsection 48B [R & B Customs Brokers Ltd v United Dominions Trusts Ltd; Saunders Abbott Ltd (Third Party)] (The Law Society Gazette, 2013) and if buyers have intentionally consume faulty products and/or services (Crown, 2013; Bradgate & White, 2007). As was inferred from the case of Clegg v Andersson (trading as Nordic Marine) [2003] EWCA Civ 320; [2003] 1 All ER (Comm) 721, on the basis of section 13 and section 14 (2) of the SOGA (1979), the goods delivered should be of satisfactory quality and in accordance with prescribed description to be considered as chargeable for refund or compensation by the seller (Office of Fair Trading, 2012). However, the referral case does not disclose any fact to comply with these mentioned criteria and hence, it can be presumed that Shah Ltd, as the seller is lia ble to compensate AW Ltd for its damages. The provisions mentioned under Part 5 A and section 14 of the SOGA also imply that a consumer has legal rights for a period of six years to claim for the damages incurred through the transaction, which makes the exemption clause as mentioned in the invoice void. That is, from the date of purchasing any product and/or service till six years, a consumer can approach a retailer for repair, replacement as well as recovery [P & O Nedlloyd BV v Arab Metals Co & Ors [2005] EWHC 1276 (Comm)] (Bailii, 2005). The six year period signify that even after the expiry of the guarantee period, consumers still possess legal rights in case of faults or damages suffered by the client (Office of Fair Trading, 2008). Therefore, as the provisions mentioned under SOGA PART 5A subsection (1) (b), for the first six months from the date of purchase, AW Ltd is entitled to have repair or replacement services from its retailer, i.e. Shah Ltd. However, provided it is pro ved that nothing was wrong with the computer when purchased, Shah Ltd can be considered as exempted from paying refund to AW Ltd [Darren Egan vs. Motor Services (Bath) Ltd (18 October 2007)] (NADR, 2007). Subsequently, after six months, in order to obtain repair or replace

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How And Why The North Won War by 1865 Essay Example for Free

How And Why The North Won War by 1865 Essay Abstract My research topic for this essay is explain how and why the North won war by 1865. In this essay I will be explaining the various reasons as to why the South surrendered to the North and how it all happened. This war took place from 1861 to 1865 and is ranked as the most deadliest war in American history. The Union or Northern States won the war against the South or the Confederacy. Instead of looking at causes or consequences, in this essay I will go into the reasons as to why did the North win the Civil War. The American South, though raised in military tradition, was to be no match North in the coming Civil War. The manpower on the Union side was much larger and outnumbered the Confederate army strength. The lack of emphasis on manufacturing and commercial interest, the South surrendered to the North their ability to to fight independently. It wasnt the Northern troops nor generals that won the Civil War, but their guns and equipment. From the very first start of the war, the Union had various advantages. The North had large amounts of just about everything that the South did not, boasting resources that the confedaracy had even no means of attaining. (Brinkley, 1991). The Union had large amounts of land available for growing food crops which served for providing food for its hungry soldiers and money for the growing industries. The South, on the other hand, devoted most of their land to its main cash crop: cotton. Raw materials were almost entirely concentrated in Northern mines and refining industries. Railroads and telegraph lines are what the North was surrounded by, but left the South isolated, outdated, and starving. The Confederates were willing to sell their cash crops to the North to make any sort of profit. Little did they know, King Cotton could buy them time, but not the war. The South had bartered something that perhaps it had not intended: its independence. (Catton, 1952). The Norths growing industry had a powerful dominance over the South. Between the years of 1840 and 1860, American industry was steady growing. In 1840 the Research Paper: Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 4 total value of goods manufactured in the United States stood at $483 million, increasing over fourfold by 1860 to just under $2 billion, with the North taking the kings ransom.(Brinkley, 1991). The hidden reason behind this dramatic growth of money is because of the American Industrial Revolution. Beginning in the early 1800s, some of the ideas of the industrial revolution began to get picked up from the American Society. One of the first industries to see quick development was the textile industry, but, thanks to the British government, this development almost never even passed. Years before this, Englands James Watt had developed the first successful steam engine. This invention completely revolutionized the British textile industry, and eventually made it the most profitable in the world (Industrial Revolution). The British government, were astonished with this new material but cautious, so they ended up trying to protect the nation by preventing the export of textile machinery and even the emigration of skilled mechanics. Despite valiant attempts at deterrence, though, many immigrants managed to make their way into the United States with the advanced knowledge of English technology, and they were anxious to acquaint America with the new machines.(Furnas, 1969). People like Samuel Slater can  be credited with beginning the revolution of the textile industry in America. He was skilled mechanic in England, and spent long hours studying the schematics for the spinning jenny until finally he no longer needed them. He emigrated to Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and there, together with a Quaker merchant by the name of Moses Brown, Research Paper: Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 5 he built a spinning jenny from memory. (Furnas, 1969). This would later become known as the first modern factory in America. It would also become known as when the North had the economic dominance over the South. The South could not seem to accept this after the time passed so they thought they could breakthrough somehow. Another inventor by the name of Eli Whitney set out in 1793 to revolutionize the Southern cotton industry. Whitney was working as a tutor for a plantation owner in Georgia (he was also, ironically, born and raised in New England) and therefore knew the problems of harvesting cotton. (Brinkley, 1991). Until then, the risky task of separating the seeds from the cotton before sale had to be done by slave labor and was not very effiecient. With that being said, Whitney developed a machine which would separate the seed from the cotton swiftly and effectively, cutting the harvesting time by more than one half. This machine, which became known as the cotton gin, had amazing results on the South, producing the highest trend the industry ever had. In that decade alone cotton production figures increased by more than 2,000 percent. (Randall and Donald, 1969). Lots business opportuniti es opened up, including the expansion of the Southern plantations. This was facilitated by the fact that a single worker could now do the same amount of work in a few hours that a group of workers had once needed a whole day to do. (Brinkley, 1991). This allowed slaves to pick much more cotton per day and this led most plantation owners to expand their land. Most of the gains from the cash crop took over the basic necessity of the food crop. In 1791 cotton production amounted to only 4000 bales, but by 1860, production Research Paper: Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 6 levels had skyrocketed to just under five million bales. (Randall and Donald, 1969). Cotton was now bringing in about  $200 million a year, which is a very big change for the south. King Cotton became a fundamental motive in Southern economy. However, during this short time of economic process, the South failed to realize that it would never be fully sustained by King Cotton alone. What it needed was the help of Queen Industry. Eli Whitney knew and realized that the South would not rapidely accept change, so he decided to take his smart mind and ideas back up to the North, where it could be put to good use. He found his niche in the small arms business. A while back, during two long years of quasi-war with France, Americans had been troubled by the lack of rapidity with which sufficient armaments and equipments could be produced. Whitney came out with the invention of interchangeable parts. His vision of the perfect factory included machines that would produce, from a mold, the various parts needed to build a standard infantry rifle, and workers on an assembly line who would construct it. The North, eager to experiment and willing to try anything of economic progress, decided to test this new method of manufacture. It did not take long for the North to make Eli Whitneys dream a reality. The small arms industry was successful. By the onset of the Civil War, the confederate states were noting the fact that there were thirty-eight Union arms factories capable of producing a total of 5,000 infantry rifles per day, compared with their own paltry capacity of 100. (Catton, 1952). During the mid-1800s, the Industrial Revolution dug deep into to the sides of the Northern states. Luckily, immigration numbers were skyrocketing at this time, and the sudden profusion of factory Research Paper: Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 7 positions that needed to be filled was not a big problem. (Randall and Donald, 1969). The immigrants, who were escaping anything from the Irish Potato Famine to British oppression, were willing to work for almost anything and withstand inhuman factory conditions. (Jones, 1993). Although this exploitation was extremely cruel and very unfair to the immigrants, Northern businessmen profited alot from it. By the beginning of war in 1860, the North, from an economical standpoint, stood like a towering giant over the Southern society. Of the over 128,000 industrial firms in the nation at the time, the Confederacy held only 18,026. New England alone topped the figure with over  19,000, and so did Pennsylvania 21,000 and with 23,000.(Paludan, 1988). The total value of goods manufactured in the state of New York alone was over four times that of the entire Confederacy. The Northern states produced 96 percent of the locomotives in the country, and, as for firearms, more of them were made in one Connecticut county than in all the Southern factories combined. The Confederacy had made one mistake and that was believing that its thriving cotton industry alone would be enough to sustain itself throughout the war. Southerners didnt see a need to go into the uncharted industrial territories when good money could be made with cotton. What they failed to realize was that the cotton boom had done more for the North than it had done for the South. Southerners could grow huge amounts of cotton, but due to the lack of mills, they couldnt do anything with it. The cotton was sold to the Northerners who would use it in their factories to produce woolens and linens, which were in turn sold back to the South. This cycle stimulated industrial Research Paper: Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 8 growth in the Union and stagnated it in the Confederate states .(Catton, 1952). Southern plantation owners believed that the growing textile industries of England and France were highly dependent on their cotton, and that, in the event of war, those countries would come to their rescue. The Civil War gave an even bigger boost to the already growing factories in the North. The troops needed arms and warm clothes on a constant basis, and Northern Industry was ready to provide them. By 1862, the Union could use almost all of its own war materials using its own resources. The South, on the other hand, was in desperate need and dependent on outside resources for its war needs. Dixie was not only lagging far behind in the factories. It had also chosen to disregard two other all-important areas in which the North had chosen to thrive: transportation and communicationthe Railroad, the Locomotive, and the Telegraph- -iron, steam, and lightning-these three mighty genii of civilizationwill know no lasting pause until the whole vast line of railway shall completed from the Atlantic to the Pacific.(Furnas, 1969)  During the ante-bellum years, the North had shown a great desire for an effective mode of transportation. For a long time, canals had been used to transport people and goods across large amounts of land which were accessible by water, but, with continuing growth and expansion, these canals were becoming obstacle to many Northerners. They simply needed a way to transport freight and passengers across terrains where waterways didnt exist. The first glimmer of hope came as Americas first primitive locomotive, powered by a vertical wood-fired boiler, puffed out of Charleston Research Paper: Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 9 hauling a cannon and gun crew firing salutes(Catton, 1952). The Railroading industry became a big thing in the North, where it provided a much needed alternative to canals, but could never quite help the South. Much of this could be because Northern engineers were experienced in the field of ironworking and had no problem constructing vast amounts of rail lines, while Southerners, werent very experienced in that area. The Union, with its some 22,000 miles of track, was able to transport weaponry, clothes, food, soldiers, and whatever supplies were needed to almost any location in the entire theater. Overall, this greatly helped the Northern war effort and increased the morale of the troops. The South, however, was lacking on most of this. With its meager production of only four percent of the nations locomotives and its scant 9,000 miles of track, the Confederacy stood in painful awareness of its inferiority.(Randall and Donald, 1969). Another obstacle arose in the problem of track gauge. As the war kept on, the Confederate railroad system steadily deteriorated, and by the end of the struggle, it had all collapsed. Communication, was also a big problem to Southern economical growth. The telegraph had came into American life in 1844. This fresh form of communication greatly facilitated the operation of the railroad lines in the North. Telegraph lines ran along the tracks, connecting one station to the next and aiding the scheduling of the trains. The telegraph provided instant communication between distant cities, helping the nation come together like never before. Yet, the South, unimpressed by this technology and not having Research Paper: Explain how and why the North won war by 1865. 10 the money to experiment, chose not to go into its development. By 1860, the North had laid over 90 percent of the nations some 50,000 miles of telegraph wire. Morses telegraph had become an ideal answer to the problems of long-distance communication, with its latest triumph of land taking shape in the form of the Pacific telegraph, which ran from New York to San Francisco and used 3,595 miles of wire (Brinkley, 1991). The North has assuredly won over the South. Northerners, prepared to enjoy the deprivation of war, realized that they were experiencing an enormous industrial boom even after the first year of war. Indeed, the only Northern industry that suffered from the war was the carrying trade. (Catton, 1952). To the South, however, the war was a drain and only made them suffer even more. The South decided not to use two crops which would prove the outcome of the Civil War. Those crops were industry and progress, and without them the South was defeated. Refrences Angle (1967) Paul M. A Pictorial History of the Civil War Years. Garden City, New York: Doubleday Brinkley (1991) American History: A Survey. New York: McGraw Catton, Bruce (1952) The Army of the Potomac: Glory Road. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Furnas, J.C (1969) The Americans: A Social History of the United States 1587-1914. New York: Putnam Jones, Donald C. (1993) Telephone Interview Paludan, Philip Shaw. (1988) A Peoples Contest. New York: Harper Randall, J.G., and David Herbert Donald. (1969) The Civil War and Reconstruction. Lexington, Massachusetts: Heath

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sole Proprietorship Essay Example for Free

Sole Proprietorship Essay The sole proprietor is an unincorporated business with one owner who pays personal income tax on profits from the business. With little government regulation, they are the simplest business to set up or take apart, making them popular among individual self-contractors or business owners. Many sole proprietors do business under their own names because creating a separate business or trade name isnt necessary. Sole proprietorship is also known as proprietorship. There is no separate legal entity created by a sole proprietorship, unlike corporations and limited partnerships. Consequently, the sole proprietor is not safe from liabilities incurred by the entity. The debts of the sole proprietorship are also the debts of the owner. However, all profits flow directly to the owner of a sole proprietorship. The benefit of the sole proprietorship is the tax advantage. The disadvantage of a sole proprietorship is obtaining capital funding, specifically through established channels, such as equity (selling shares) and obtaining bank loans or lines of credit. As a business grows it often transitions to a limited liability company (LLC) or S Corporation. Ease of Formation Prospective business owners need not file any special forms with state, local or federal agencies to start a sole proprietorship. When registering the new business, as is necessary for all new businesses, the owner must state that he plans to run a sole proprietorship. This requires no special fees. Some states require the owner register a DBAdoing business asdocument with the office of secretary of state. Control Sole proprietors have full discretionary control over operations and business decisions. They decide when to hire employees, what to pay them about minimum wage and when to let them go. The business owner controls all financial decisions associated with the business and receives all of the business profit. He decides how or if to save or reinvest the money. The owner can choose to close, sell or transfer ownership at any time. Taxes Sole proprietorships owners file a one or two page form with the Internal Revenue Service called a Schedule C along with their personal income tax return. This schedule requires a simple listing of revenues and expenses. The owner may deduct automobile, office and other expenses from his income tax return under the supervision of a certified tax professional. Personal Responsibility for Business Debts Creditors can hold owners of sole proprietorships legally responsible for debts associated with the business. In addition, business related debts incurred by employees become the responsibility of the owner. Creditors may seize the owner’s home or other personal possessions as remedy for a defaulted loan. Those planning on starting a high- to medium-risk business may want to opt for a limited liability corporation or partnership structure. With this structure, business owners keep their personal property separate and it cannot be seized in the event of a business failure.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Tourism And Hospitality Management In Bangladesh Tourism Essay

Tourism And Hospitality Management In Bangladesh Tourism Essay Tourism and hospitality management business is one of the booming sectors of todays business world. It contributes a great amount in every national economy. Sheraton hotel is the first renowned five-star hotel in Bangladesh which is related in tourism and hospitality business. They are successfully operating their business for many years. Hospitality and tourism industry needs smart and efficient employee Dhaka Sheraton Hotel has these kind of employee. And they are pretty much efficient to Human Resource Management. Companys performance is highly depended on the performance of their employees. If they perform their duties perfectly companys performance will be greater. Beside these Dhaka Sheraton Hotel developed new strategies for their employees by which they will be satisfied with the organization. To step ahead Sheraton hotel has to nurture and practice few core competencies in the hospitality and tourism industry. The initial steps of fundamental activities of HRM is recruiting labor and it work forces. If organizations hire individual labor haphazardly without any employment planning they would not be able to serve their customer perfectly. Dhaka Sheraton hotel is efficient in employment planning. Job satisfaction is highly depending on the employee and the fulfillment of their expectations. If they are satisfy with the returns which are given by the organizations. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel keeps in mind to serve their employee with benefit and compensation by which they can turn into loyal employee. PART -A 2. Setting new strategies: It has been two decades that manager is learning to play by a new set of rules. Companies must have flexibility to respond quickly to be competitive and market changes. (Porter, 1996). To step ahead Sheraton hotel has to nurture and practice few core competencies in the hospitality and tourism industry. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel currently developed new strategies are given below: High allowance: Companys performance is highly depends on the employees who work for the organization. If they are satisfied with their allowance they will be serious in their work. Understanding this fact Dhaka Sheraton Hotel provides their employee with high allowance. Package tour: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel offer their permanent employee package tour according to their performance and their qualities Commission: They also provide commission to their employee on the basis of their capacity of the guest handling. Besides the salary commission has a great motivational thing to enhance their performance. Bonus: Yearly bonus and the occasional bonus are provided by the Dhaka Sheraton Hotel to their employees. These bonuses make the salary higher than any other organization regarding this sector. So employees become satisfy with this bonus. Transportation facilities: They have transportation facilities for their employees so that the employees have safe journey to their work place without any hazards. Lunch and dinner: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel provides lunch to their employees. So that they can get their meal in their work place. It reduces the waste of time and increase the capacity of doing work. They can have a get together in the lunch period and able to discuss many other issues between them. Housing: They also offer their employee housing facilities according to their position in the job sector. Proper housing can remove the frustration and tension of being safe. 3. Evaluate new strategies: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel set new strategies for the employees which make them satisfied in their workplace. For ensuring these managers take many steps and they are careful about the labor recruitment, high turnover rate and satisfaction issue. Organization must be careful about the labor recruitment process. Through this process organizations work force is hired for accomplishing many tasks. To satisfy the work force company needs to build healthy relationships between them. Labor recruitment: Organizations performance depends on the human resource management. The initial steps of fundamental activities of HRM is recruiting labor and it work forces. If organizations hire individual labor haphazardly without any employment planning they would not be able to serve their customer perfectly. Turn over: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel knows how to satisfy their customer. If the customers are more satisfied than their expectations with the service of Dhaka Sheraton Hotel they will be the loyal customer group. And Dhaka Sheraton Hotel has loyal customer group. Their exclusive services are attracted many customer by which they always prefer this hotel which helps to make a smart turnover every year. Satisfaction: job satisfaction is very important for the employees. If they are not satisfied to work with the organization they will not concentrate to their work properly. Their work environment should be satisfactory to them so that they can work properly and ultimately the organization will be benefited for it. 3.1 Labor recruitment: The labor recruitment is the fundamental step of HRM. In the recruiting process organization should have some considerations in their mind for their labor. The last few years there is a number of studies have seen with international contrasts in the history of work and managerial and recruiting strategies. (Lorenz, 1990) Employee selection: Every organization prefers good people to work with them. For this reason hiring good people is very much essential for the organization. To work in the hospitality and tourism industry employees must be smart and able to survive in the changing situation. (David A.Decanzo nd Stephen P.Robbins) Efficient employee: hospitality and tourism industry is totally different from the other industry. For this reason they need efficient people to conduct their activities properly. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel always searching for efficient employee who will be able to work in the challenging environment. High skilled: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel also prefer high skilled employee. They have unique technology to serve their customer and their targeted area which needs high skilled labor. Better environment: Better environment needs better people. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel believes this statement for this reason they try to hire those people who are able to cope with the environment and are able to survive with the changing environment. 3.2 Turn over: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel knows how to satisfy their customer. If the customers are more satisfied than their expectations with the service of Dhaka Sheraton Hotel they will be the loyal customer group. And Dhaka Sheraton Hotel has loyal customer group. Their exclusive services are attracted many customer by which they always prefer this hotel which helps to make a smart turnover every year. Loyal customer group: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel knows how to satisfy their customer. If the customers are more satisfied than their expectations with the service of Dhaka Sheraton Hotel they will be the loyal customer group. And Dhaka Sheraton Hotel has loyal customer group. Their exclusive services are attracted many customer by which they always prefer this hotel which helps to make a smart turnover every year. High rate of customer loyalty: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel has many loyal customer and it also have high rate of customer loyalty with the best service of this country. It also makes a great turnover. Best use of capital: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel knows the way of best use of their capital. Their service and the other facilities is world class. Which make them a international hotel. It has all facilities of the five star hotels. Thats why it is known as international hotel. High charge: They charges high in some service which are not available in other hotels in Bangladesh. They charges high because they are expert in that area. This high charge brings out high turn over at every financial year. Price skimming: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel charges high in some area which is exclusive. When they introduce new services they follow the market skimming pricing. 3.3 Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is highly depending on the employee and the fulfillment of their expectations. If they are satisfy with the returns which are given by the organizations. Dhaka Sheraton Hotel keeps in mind to serve their employee with benefit and compensation by which they can turn into loyal employee. Better satisfaction: working capacity is depending on the employee satisfaction. If the employee of an organizations are satisfied with the organization they will try to work hard for the organization. Dhaka Sheraton hotel offers better satisfaction than the other organizations. Secured life: if an employee is satisfy with the organization then they need a secured life. Dhaka Sheraton hotel gives their employee some unique offer which helps them to secure their life. They are: generosity pension transportation housing health insurance Financial satisfaction: Dhaka Sheraton hotel offers high salary then the other hotel to their employee for this reason the employees are satisfied and they are interested to work with them for long time. Social satisfaction: Dhaka Sheraton hotel organizes different types of social functions which makes the employees life happier than before. In the special days they organize special events for their employee and their customers. They are : Pitha uthshob Eid mela Ice cream festival Educational fair. 3.3.5 Family collaboration: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel organizes different types of gatherings which enhance the family collaboration. Dhaka Seraton Hotel always try to make the bond as like a family among their employees which helps to increase the ability to work. PART B 4. Exploring the HR related problem that affect Sheraton hotel: Human resource management is not an easy task. It must be ensured by the HR manager that the right person is placed in the right situation to do the right task within a right time (Sushan and Rundall, 1990). If these things are not perfectly done problems occur in workplace. For this reason Dhaka Sheraton Hotel some times has to face HR related problems. And these problems are given below: 4.1 Frequent interchange: Switching job is a common scenario of todays business world. Employees are always searching for extra benefit and greater remuneration and other reason. Frequent interchange of the employee causes problem in every organization. Dhaka Sheraton hotel faces many problems for the frequent interchange of the employee. To fill the empty post they need to arrange another recruitment process. High demand of employee: In the tourism and hospitality industry the employee demand is high in Bangladesh. Dhaka Sheraton hotel always prefer the smart and efficient employee to work with them. Employee sometimes demands high for their job which causes several problems to them. Unreasonable demand: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel pays perfectly to their employee as they deserve. Sometimes employees are not satisfied with it they demand high salary which is unreasonable. Bonus demand: Employees demanded high bonus which is not right in the sense of management. Dhaka Sheraton hotel offer bonus to its employee in every occasion but their employee demand high bonus in some occasion. Personality conflict: In every workplace sometimes personality conflict happens. In Dhaka Sheraton hotel it also occurred. HR manager has to face many problem for personality conflict 5. Option to improve relationship: HR manager should have the interpersonal skills like communication, caring, encouragement and giving feedback.(FCCLA) They must ensure decentralized worksites, friendly environment and so on which are given below Decentralized work sites: HR manager can improve relation through establishing decentralized work site. They can plan their work in a decentralized way by reorganized them. Managers must know how to establish and ensure appropriate work quality and on time completion. Decentralized work sites remove traditional working system and mangers need to change the work.(DeCenzo. and Robbins, 2008) Friendly environment: HR manager should improve the environment and make a healthy friendly environment. This makes the employee to do their work easily and perfectly. Suggestion box: HR manager can offer suggestion box where employee can give suggestion. This makes them to feel that they are important for the organization and HR manger. Complain box: This type of box can be offered by the HR manager to make complain to anybody to the top management. These can help them to work perfectly for the organization. Cross functional team: In every department there should be flow of information regarding their work. It could be helpful for the organization and for the employee. If they have the information which are related to the other department of the Dhaka Sheraton Hotel their work would be easier to accomplish. Frequent information flow: HR manager should ensure to the frequent flow of relevant information. From the upper level o the lower level frequent flow of relevant information is needed it will be helpful for the employee to make decision regarding their work. Training and development: To maximize the employees potentialities training and development is needed. HR manager can organize different types of training which are related to maintain relationships and develop their career. Motivation: To give the employees proper motivation can be enhance the relationship between the HR manager and the employees. HR manager is responsible for the identification of the employees need and want and according to them they have to use the motivational tools. (Themduangkhae W,2002) Feedback: Feedback is important for the HR manger and the employees. By this they can share what they understand by accomplishing any new task. And what would be the further steps to make the task easier than before. 5.10 Communications: HR manager can improve the relationship with the employees by communicating directly. They can communicate with the employee directly to know about their progress of their and their condition. They can also communicate to know about the problem that employees are facing to do their tasks. Establishing rewards and pay plans: HR manager can establish rewards and pay plans. According to the employees performance HR manger can give them performance based rewards. Performance based rewards can be : Commissions Piecework pay plans Incentives system Group bonus Merit pay Performance may not be the only determinant to give the rewards. It can be the high motivational tools for the employees. 6. Conclusion: Hospitality and tourism industry is a very profitable sector where HRM is very much important. Clients are being served by the employees of the organization. If the employees are not satisfied they will not work properly. If their work environment is not suitable for them they will not stay in that organization. So HR manager should keep in mind about the employees satisfaction and motivation to accomplish their goals and objectives to gain a high turn over every year.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Home Schooling :: Education Violence Essays

Home Schooling Home schooling is defined by Miriam Webster’s online dictionary as â€Å"to teach school subjects to one’s children at home.† (Miriam Webster online dictionary). Home schooling is becoming an increasingly popular for parents. Home schooling instructional styles can vary from home to home. â€Å"†¦from a daily routine following a scheduled curriculum to a child-led learning in which parents supervise and help.† (Educational Resources Information Center). Home schooling is often a hard choice to make and many things must be taken into account before making the decision. Many parents are afraid of school buildings. After Columbine, parents seem scared to let their child walk into a school building. Parents may also disagree with what is taught in their child’s classroom. Some want total autonomy over what their child is exposed to. According to a CBS news articles, â€Å" Parents feel that they can provide a better education at home, religious reasons, there is a poor learning environment at home, family reasons, and they feel that their children will develop character and morality ( Parents have the opportunity to teach their children what they feel should be taught. They can teach the morals that they believe in, the religious factions that they believe in, and what they feel are the important aspects of life. Also children have the autonomy to choose when and where they want to study. For example, a child could do English from 8:00-9:30, then do soccer from 9:30-10:30 and then finish the day doing work. The child is no t confined to a regimented 6-hour learning day and a 2-hour practice time. The child can make his/her own schedule and may even be more interested to do the work because he or she planned it out. â€Å"Children can learn about things they are interested in at a time in their lives when they are ready to learn. No preconceived schedule forces them ahead or holds them back. Vacations and outings can be planned for times when the family is ready, and often when the crowds are smaller and the costs lower.† ( Children who may be better in math than English have the opportunity to take a higher level math class while remaining in a lower level English class. This flexibility can help children to enjoy school more and let parents know that their child is on the right track in each subject area.

Canada At War :: essays research papers

Any war is a horrific event that may last years. Wars leave a legacy of death and destruction. They aren’t just for soldiers and battlefields but for new weapons that make destruction possible on our lands, beneath our seas, and in our air. They bring suffering and death to all families, races and nationalities. No matter where you live during the wars, they can effect you; seeing families destroyed, lives taken and children screaming in horror. In each World War Canada took apart defending their parent country, helping the countries that needed their help. We, as Canadians, should feel proud because many men from our Canadian Troops gave up their families, their friends even their lives to give the countries that needed them the freedom that Canadians had.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Black Watches were a famous Scottish army command known as the Royal Highland Regiment. The troop was founded when there were threats of local trouble in Scotland. So eight leaders each raised a company of soldiers designed to keep peace. The first duties included controlling the uprising clans in the Scottish Highlands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Battalion’s worth as a military was proven on many occasions. The troops were called out to serve for many months on the Canadian border of the Niagara Peninsula and the Eastern Townships during the Fenian Raids of 1886 and 1870. The Canadian Troops also set out in aid of the civil power in 1877 during the Orange Riots, the Quebec riots which were a year later and served at the smallpox Riot of 1885. Due to Canada’s service over seas in Africa, the Royal Highlanders were awarded the battle honour, South Africa 1889-1900.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1905 was the year that the Royal Highlanders Regiment was formally allied with the Black Watch Troops in Scotland, and in 1906 that army was ordered to form a second army. It was the only two-army command stationed in one city for years. On August 1st, 1914 Sir Robert Borden, the Prime Minister of Canada, offered the Black Watch’s of Canada to help Great Britain in a war against Germany, Great Britain accepted the offer. 300 of the men volunteered. During World War I, three more Black Watch armies were formed. By the end of the month the Black Watch has over 1,000 men. Over 60% of the original soldiers were of British origin. During the first acts of war, the Canadian army lost over a hundred officers, and nearly 460 other ranks.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Forensic science is misleading because it suggests only one type of science is involved, but this is not the case. Forensic investigations can involve virtually any field of science and technology. There are many steps that have to be taken when leading a criminal investigation and investigating a crime scene. Firstly, detectives have to try and figure out why and how a crime was committed. They examine a crime scene looking for information or clues such as fingerprints, weapons, and DNA. They investigate the victims’ history to define why someone would want to harm them. After they have formed a hypothesis, they try to find proof that somebody committed a crime so that they can arrest the suspects. They look at both the cause and the actual evidence of the crime and try to see if their hypothesis makes sense. The suspects then enter the criminal justice system where they are tried using the evidence collected at the crime scene. Forensic investigations require skills of specially trained scientists, police, engineers, doctors and others. â€Å"These investigators observe all types of evidence, from weapons to bloodstains and from computers to bugs† (Erzinclioglu 5). The greater the evidence against a person, the greater the chance of conviction. Homicide detectives usually work in pairs and approach a crime scene with five basic questions: Did the death take place at the crime scene or elsewhere? Was there any attempt to alter the crime scene? Does the scene point to any particular activity such as drug abuse or burglary? Is the cause of death obvious? Are there sufficient clues pointing to how the death occurred? â€Å"Scene processing is the term practical to the series of steps taken to investigate a crime scene. Although the methods an... ...rams that improve and image by enhancing the contrast, which is the difference in color concentrations. Changing the brightness or dullness of the image. Increasing the resolution and sharpening or de- blurring the image. Fingerprints are a guaranteed method of identification because each person’s fingertips are unique and fingerprints don’t change throughout a person’s lifetime. Fingerprint ridges appear in three pattern types; loop, whorls, and arches. The most collective type of fingerprint pattern, loops begin at one side of the fingertip, double back, and exit on the same side. Whorls are the second most common type of fingerprint pattern. They form a circular pattern which sometimes look like a bull’s-eye on a dartboard. Arches are less common than loops and whorls. They form a wavelike pattern which begins on one side of the fingertip and ends on the other. Essay -- Forensic science is misleading because it suggests only one type of science is involved, but this is not the case. Forensic investigations can involve virtually any field of science and technology. There are many steps that have to be taken when leading a criminal investigation and investigating a crime scene. Firstly, detectives have to try and figure out why and how a crime was committed. They examine a crime scene looking for information or clues such as fingerprints, weapons, and DNA. They investigate the victims’ history to define why someone would want to harm them. After they have formed a hypothesis, they try to find proof that somebody committed a crime so that they can arrest the suspects. They look at both the cause and the actual evidence of the crime and try to see if their hypothesis makes sense. The suspects then enter the criminal justice system where they are tried using the evidence collected at the crime scene. Forensic investigations require skills of specially trained scientists, police, engineers, doctors and others. â€Å"These investigators observe all types of evidence, from weapons to bloodstains and from computers to bugs† (Erzinclioglu 5). The greater the evidence against a person, the greater the chance of conviction. Homicide detectives usually work in pairs and approach a crime scene with five basic questions: Did the death take place at the crime scene or elsewhere? Was there any attempt to alter the crime scene? Does the scene point to any particular activity such as drug abuse or burglary? Is the cause of death obvious? Are there sufficient clues pointing to how the death occurred? â€Å"Scene processing is the term practical to the series of steps taken to investigate a crime scene. Although the methods an... ...rams that improve and image by enhancing the contrast, which is the difference in color concentrations. Changing the brightness or dullness of the image. Increasing the resolution and sharpening or de- blurring the image. Fingerprints are a guaranteed method of identification because each person’s fingertips are unique and fingerprints don’t change throughout a person’s lifetime. Fingerprint ridges appear in three pattern types; loop, whorls, and arches. The most collective type of fingerprint pattern, loops begin at one side of the fingertip, double back, and exit on the same side. Whorls are the second most common type of fingerprint pattern. They form a circular pattern which sometimes look like a bull’s-eye on a dartboard. Arches are less common than loops and whorls. They form a wavelike pattern which begins on one side of the fingertip and ends on the other.